Max is finally out of fourth grade, with the entire summer in front of him, and his closest friend Billy, and his best dog, Dash, by his side.
The Book
Max and Billy know everything about each other, except one big secret no one knows about Max; trying to keep his secret from being detected is sometimes very difficult! Max and Billy are able to spend all of their time together, planning and preparing to win the Most Patriotic award in the Fourth of July parade. Max and Billy can’t win the prize on their own, so they must enlist the help of Billy’s dog, Waldo and the other dogs on the block, Hera and Annie. They even may have to strike a deal with Max’s older sister, Maggie, for her help.
No matter what problems seem to be in front of Max, he tries to overcome them all and remain focused on the parade. It would be easier if everyone knew what his super secret was, but he can’t tell anyone! As the Summer comes and goes, not even his closest friends and family can envision all the ups and downs that Max, Dash, and gang might go through!
The Illustrator
Nicole is a passionate wife and mother of three daughters and two dogs. When she doesn’t have a pencil or paint brush in her hand she is caring for children and helping others anyway she can. In her “spare” time she volunteers for countless activities at school and beyond, teaches preschool, children’s art and designs logos for local business. Nicole doesn’t sit down without an idea in mind about what to create next. With all she has going on it’s hard to keep up with Nicole, but you can try at or on Instagram @nhlanahan.